Gestalt Language Processing

Gestalt Language Processing (GLP) is a language development style where children learn language by memorizing phrases and then learning the meaning of the words within them. This is a different from analytic language processing where children learn beginning with smaller units and building to larger units. 

Some characteristics seen in Gestalt Language Processing Learners:

  • Echolalia: children will repeat back or "echo" full phrases or sentences; this may be immediate or delayed
  • "Script-like" speech: Uses memorized phrases or routines from familiar situations, like TV shows or song 
  • Excessive use of single words: respond in single words, but have difficulty putting words together to make a sentence
  • Rich intonation: Using exaggerated or expressive voice pitch when speaking. 
  • Difficulty with pronouns: Misusing pronouns, like saying "you" when referring to themselves

Understandably, these learners need different approaches to help them in their language development. Many of our therapists are trained in specific child-led approaches and techniques to support GLP learners. 

Our GLP Therapy Specialists