Using Books to Explore, Engage, & Grow
Posted: May 14, 2024
Using books as a tool for addressing therapy goals and fostering developmental skills is not only beneficial but also incredibly enjoyable. It provides valuable one-on-one time with your child, and the best part? It's free! With access to your local library, you have a great selection of book options and other resources at your fingertips.
While reading with your child, you can take the opportunity to:
Check out these books and enjoy these activity ideas you can complete during and/or after reading for inspiration!
Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes (By James Dean and Kimberly Dean)
- Address pre-reading & reading skills
- Book Orientation: Have your child identify the cover of the book and understand its orientation (front/back).
- Page Turning: Teach your child how to turn the pages gently, encouraging them to follow along.
- Letter and Sound Recognition: Point out words as you read and encourage your child to identify letters and their corresponding sounds.
- Once your child is learning to read or reading: work on sounding
- Work on your child’s understanding of language, as well as, their verbal expression
- Have your child describe what’s happening in the pictures before reading
- Identify known and unknown vocabulary
- Provide models for targeted therapy sounds, have your child imitate, fill in the blank or answer questions to practice their sound(s)
- Social Skills
- Taking Turns
- Identifying emotions of characters, talking about our own emotions while reading the story
- Staying on task/topic with the book being used
- Bake cupcakes
- If child can read, sequencing, following directions, measuring
- Get foods from the book to cut or eat during reading
- Find play foods to cut and play with during reading
- Draw a chameleon on a clear plastic bag and place different colored paints in bag and let your child mix them up to make a mixed up chameleon after reading.
- Make a pot of spaghetti noodles then let them cool completely. Place toys in the noodles in a plastic bin and let your child mix and hide items in the noodles.
- Save toilet paper rolls and paint or color them to match the emotions in the book. Draw eyes on or use googly eyes!